Sunday, September 13, 2009

Treasure Chests

A few weeks back, while in church, I saw a treasure chest across the room, on the floor, near where the worship team sits. It was ornately decorated with carvings. It was made of leather overlaid with gold. I was wondering what was in it, when similar treasure chests appeared on the floor around the church.

As I meditated about this vision over the next few days, I asked God what was in the treasure chests. The stories of Jesus feeding of the 4000 and 5000 immediately came to mind. I felt God say "These are the leftovers. The words and miracles not taken up. They are precious. They have been gathered so that nothing will be wasted".....

After feeding the 4000 - Jesus got the disciples to pick up 7 baskets of leftovers. After feeding the 5000 there were 12 baskets left over. This leftover food was part of a great miracle which was not taken up. I imagine the disciples took it home to share the miracle with family, friends and neighbours.

God is not withholding from us. He is not touching others and not you and me. There is more then enough for all, and much left over to take home for families, friends and neighbours. There is enough words and miracles from God, left over on the floor of the church to meet any need.

God wants to give to you. Take hold of the Word, it is for you.

Thanks Lord that you give more then enough for any need.
Thanks Lord that you've collected the leftovers, because they are precious.
Lord, I'll have the leftovers.
If it is not taken up, if it is left over,
Do it in my life, Lord.

Bob Lipsys, Australia

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