Saturday, May 30, 2009

Healing - Living out God's Word

"We call theory head knowledge, not heart knowledge.

Head knowledge is when you know something, but it does not govern your actions. Heart knowledge is when what you know governs your actions. Head knowledge (theory) becomes heart knowledge (reality) only by practice.

The Bible talks about the type of person who hears but doesn't do. According to James 1:22, these "hearers but not doers" deceive themselves. How do they deceive themselves? They deal only in theory. When you deal in theory, you can change the theories to suit yourself. But, when you practice the theories, you find out real quick what's real and what isn’t. Jesus said that those who did His sayings, not just talked about them, were like those who built their houses on solid foundations. Nothing will defeat them. BUT, those who didn't do them, maybe only talked about them, will be defeated.

We must walk in the light of the knowledge we have."

The above is a quote by Curry Blake


Curry Blake is a person who has brought healing to thousands of people in Jesus’ name. He has inspired many others to also bring healing in Jesus’ name. His message is simple. Live out the word of God that you know. He freely admits that he can heal no one – but that Jesus is willing to heal any one. Jesus said “You will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” So Curry lays hands on the sick and they recover. He just puts God’s word into practice.

So, live out the word of God that you know.
Bob Lipsys

PS Check out Curry’s site.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Seeing beyond the storm

Many times we get so caught up in the storm
that we forget our destination. The devil always
wants the storm to be the paramount story
that you tell, rather then the victory that awaits
us on the shore across the storm.

……...A quote by Tom Messer. Founder and former Senior Pastor of Mt Zion Church, Arizona.

I love being with faith-filled people. I love reading
the Bible and hearing good preaching. All these let
me leave my negativity, my storm focus behind, and
point me to what the Lord is doing and will do in the
future. They point me to the promises of God rather
then to the disappointments of life. When we focus
on the storms of life we lose our perspective in God.
We lose our hope. Depression builds. That’s why
you need to get together with positive, faith talking
people this week. It is not that they do not have
storms and disappointments. They do. But together
with others and the Lord, they have “the eyes” to
see beyond these, The storms don’t last forever.
The shore is coming closer.
Bob Lipsys, Australia.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hold on to "stuff" loosely

"Lord, everything I have is in your control"
God gets me to pray this prayer regularly.
....We need to hold on to "stuff" loosely,...
We always need to be ready to give the
things we have away...following God's direction.
And we are blessed as we give...
Pastor Kevin Ewings-

These are some words of wisdom
from my Pastor/Teacher at our
"Sure Foundations" Course tonight.
Pastor Kev lives for God and others.
He oozes the love and Spirit of God.

Hold on to stuff loosely!
Hold on to God Tightly!
Bob Lipsys

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Where are you running?

Where are you running? Why are you running? Always in a hurry, that’s you. Too rushed to stop and find out what is really needed for your life. Too busy to listen to the words of the One who loves you…….As you run past read some words of one who decided to stop and listen! (Be blessed, Bob Lipsys)

I hear the voice
The voice of the One I love
He’s calling my name
I hear the voice
The voice of the One I love,
He’s calling my name

He’s saying…
Come up higher
You’ll hear the angels sing
Come up higher, my beloved
Come up higher and leave this world behind
You’ll find Me to be beautiful

I am running, running after You
You’ve become my soul’s delight
I am running, running after You
Here with You I find my life.

One thing I have desired
This will I seek after
To dwell in Your house forevermore.
Now I’m running after the thing that really matters
You’ve become my joy and song

©2004 Klaus Kuehn

Friday, May 22, 2009

You Know You’re Religious, When…

Religion Kills, only the Holy Spirit brings life.
I read this presentation by Emil Swift today and was both touched and challenged.
So I am including it here. Let God challenge the religion that remains in you and let Him replace it with the Spirit of God. Bob Lipsys


You Know You’re Religious, When…
By Emil Swift

…you love the “Word of God” more than the God of the Word.
…you have a program instead of a Partner.
…you do for God instead of with God.
…God is your Boss instead of your Friend.
…you have a religion instead of a Relationship.
…you have an agenda instead of a adventure.
…the center of your thoughts and conversations is you and not Him.
…an examination of your checkbook register shows your money goes for taking care of concerns that are self-centered not God-centered.
…you protest your love for God but practice your love for the things of men.
…you spend time and energy in trying to control your life instead of releasing control to God.
…your prayer consists of much talking and little listening.
…you do the best you can instead of letting God do the best that He can.
…you work for God instead of working with God.
…you’re primarily directed by God’s principles instead of God’s Spirit.
…you accomplish natural goals instead of supernatural goals.
…you’re concerned more with what others think of you than what God thinks of you.
…you’re passion is for right doctrine more than right Relationship.
… you’re more focused on your needs than others needs.

See Emil Swifts site at

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Made Right

God made Jesus who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 (New International Version)

"This is arguably one of the most important verses in the Bible
... It tells us what God did - He sent his Son
... It tells us who Jesus is - He is sinless
....It tells us what Jesus did - He was made sin
... It tells us who we are - the righteousness of God
... It tells us where we are - in Him".
by John Hosier

The simple Gospel is that God has good intentions for you. He wants to take away from you all that separates you from Himself. He placed that stuff he calls sin on Jesus. Jesus could carry it for you and me because He had no sin of His of own. Jesus took your sin and he gave you His Righteousness. That is everything He is and has done which makes Him right with His Father…… Wow.

It is true. When a person puts their trust in Jesus they receive as their very own, the life of the only one who has ever lived totally for God. His love is poured into their lives. The Holy Spirit empowers them to live their life for God. They become God’s Child, fully part of His family. Jesus is in them, and they are in Him. They are made right with God

God made Jesus who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21

Blessings are falling around you
Grab hold of them
Bob Lipsys

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hope in financial collapse

The collapse of financial institutions and businesses has affected many. Here is one true story:

From our local Paper, the Townsville Bulletin, May 6th, 2009
THEY were self-funded retirees, debt free, with their own home, four mortgage-free investment properties that were generating income, a 2ha block of land, $973,000 in savings, $78,000 in shares and $150,000 in superannuation.
They are now looking for work, $1.5 million in debt, have mortgaged the family home and one investment property which is to be sold, sold the remaining three investment properties and block of land, and the shares and superannuation are worth almost nothing……….

"Our dream was to enjoy our lives, fund ourselves and still be able to provide for our children with a legacy to help their futures," they said. That dream will never become a reality, with almost everything they earned and worked for now gone.

The collapse of financial institutions and businesses has affected many.What does God say about this situation?

Jesus said "People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep yourself in God’s reality, God’s initiative, God provisions. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Don't be afraid of missing out. You're my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself. "So be generous. Give to the poor. Get yourselves a bank that can't go bankrupt, a bank in heaven far from bankrobbers, safe from embezzlers, a bank you can bank on. It's obvious, isn't it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.” … Luke 12:31-34 (The Message)

Generous Giving is the sign of true wealth
Bob Lipsys

Saturday, May 2, 2009

No such thing as a bad day

Today I heard a great quote by comedian Billy Connolly. He said: “There is no such thing as bad weather – Just the wrong clothes.”

Billy Connolly is right from a Biblical Perspective too. We could say: “There is no such thing as a bad day – Just the wrong clothes.” Are you wearing the right clothes today?

Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 13:14

And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. Galatians 3:27

Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
Ephesians 4:24

Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. Colossians 3:10

Wake up, wake up, O Zion! Clothe yourself with strength .Put on your beautiful clothes, Isaiah 52:1

Instead of having a bad day, put on the right clothes for the day.
Bob Lipsys