Monday, February 16, 2009

Speaking in tongues

As a primary school kid, from about grade 6 or 7, I used to sing in tongues in the vegetable garden at home. I had no understanding of what I was doing. I had never even heard of “Speaking in Tongues.” However, I experienced God, at these times. God was really close. These were special experiences. Times of healing and faith building.

Years later I was walking past a church in Adelaide. They were having a Charismatic Conference. I walked in – attracted by the singing. At one stage they all sang together forming a beautiful symphony of voices. When I listened closely, and picked out individual voices, I heard people singing in different languages. I recognised it as the singing I did as a youngster. I asked a man standing next to me: “What are they doing?” He replied: “They are singing in tongues.” Oh I said “Is that all tongues is…”. You see by this time my church had become very negative towards tongue speakers, and spoke against them.

From that day however, I renewed my use of the gift I had been given as a child, and I began to pray and sing in tongues throughout the day. Tongues allowed God to “Invade my space” with His Holy Presence.

Speaking in Tongues is not something to be scared of. It is also not something to be boastful of. “Tongue speakers” are not superior Christians – There are no “superior” Christians.

Speaking in tongues is a gift, a tool given by God. It builds up the speaker’s faith. It brings them in contact with God’s presence.

If you are a Christian and would like to speak in tongues go to God and ask Him for the gift. Ask Him to fill you to overflowing with His love and Holy Spirit. Tell God you want to know Him personally. Let Him fill you to overflowing. It is not the gift you are really wanting but the giver, God.

Any Questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.
Bob Lipsys

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