Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pastor or CEO?

The sad demise Rev Yong-gi Cho, founder of the million member Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, recently sentenced to 3 years prison for defrauding the Church of millions of dollars, should cause a deep reflection in Australian Churches which have followed his “business model of leadership.” When church leaders start acting as CEO’s who alienate long term faithful members who “dare question” their decisions, the indications are that the particular Church is in d...eep trouble. Fortunately Yoido Church had 29 elders, faithful to Jesus Christ, who were willing to stand up to Rev Cho and call him to account. For a time they were despised, rejected and alienated by the church. Now, their integrity and faithfulness is revealed. 

A few years ago I attended Church Leader’s training seminar in Townsville, Qld Australia. The leader of the Organizing Church arrogantly proclaimed that as leader he demands ‘total’ loyalty to his person, his vision and his decisions. He went so far as to say that if all people in his satellite churches in other towns did not know he was ‘the leader’, he would sack the assistant Pastor at that location. Sadly this insidious balderdash has been taken on by young ministers who are genuinely seeking to plant and build up live churches. 

Wayne Jacobsen ( wrote the following comment on the Korean Situation: Remember when everyone was pointing to this man as an example of what all pastors and churches should be doing? Just because something is large and "successful" in worldly terms doesn't mean it reflects the life of Jesus. As tragic as his failure is, it serves as a reminder that if our engagement with Jesus isn't transforming us in ways that make us more gracious and loving to people around us, it isn't real! This is what Jesus meant when he said we'd know them by their fruits. Exploiting relationships with others for personal gain is as polar opposite to the nature of Jesus as anything else I can think of.
Be Blessed, Jesus is your real leader ........Robert Lipsys

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