Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Found this picture on the web

I found this picture on the web. Thought it was worth passing around.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just add faith.

At Church we regularly sing that there is power in the blood of Jesus. It is true, but words even from great hymns and Holy Spirit inspired songs are only words – until they are empowered by faith. Those who grasp hold of the Words from God and choose to believe them find they are living at a different level. Faith releases the power of the words of God into our situation.

Paul wrote that at the cross of Jesus all dividing walls between people crumble. By faith he believed those words and brought together in love a Church composed of Jewish people and those who once despised Jewish people. These two groups were out to destroy each other. Paul brought each group to faith in Christ Jesus. Then he brought both groups together.

He wrote in Ephesians 2:13-16 “But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to him through the blood of Christ. For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us. He did this by ending the system of law with its commandments and regulations. He made peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new people from the two groups. Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death on the cross, and our hostility toward each other was put to death.”

We too live in a community separated by dividing walls of hostility. These range from broken marriages and strained friendships to gangs physically fighting with each other. The only viable solution is Paul’s. That is to bring each group to faith in and relationship with Christ Jesus. Then at the cross of Jesus, the hostility will melt away.

By faith, there is a solution to your predicaments of life. It has been there waiting for you for over 2000 years. God is good. The cross is not a piece of religious jewellery or a religious icon. It is the answer you’ve been longing for.

Soak in this song on youtube by Godfrey Birtill. I’ve printed the words below.

Two thousand years ago we bled into one.
©Godfrey Birtill

Two thousand years ago, we bled into one
And when I think of it, I’m drunk on Your love
So great is the love
That You’ve lavished on us
We are your children, O God.

Now every distance
Has been cancelled in Christ
And separation’s an illusion, a lie,
So great is the love
That You’ve lavished on us
We are your children, O God,
That is what we are, That is what we are;
We are your children, O God,
That is what we are, That is what we are.

Playing in the fields of grace
Knowing this joy of our Pa Pa’s embrace
Hear Him say, ‘I love you’
Hear Him say ‘I’ve always loved you’.

Wonderfully saved, secure
Beautifully raised for heaven, made pure;
Hear Him say, ‘I love you’
Hear Him say ‘I’ve always loved you’.
Godfrey Birtill Thankyou Music UK 2012 ©